Symphonic Passion Chorus
Online Holiday Concert
DECEMBER 14, 2022 | 6 P.M.

The Symphonic Passion Chorus holiday concert brings audiences a mix of traditional carols and classic holiday favourites. The choir is a unique part of Surrey Place’s rich history and a great opportunity for our community to share in the festivities with our clients. Tune in this year for the debut of an original song, Part of the Group, written by the choir members themselves. We promise you’ll be tapping your toe to a jingling beat for the rest of the holiday season!
Proceeds go toward the Surrey Place Charitable Foundation. Your donations support our clients’ well-being and special initiatives like our annual Symphonic Passion Chorus holiday concert.
When you register for your ticket, donations over $10 enter you into the raffle draw. Donations over $20 enter you to win one of our grand prizes including tickets to see the Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors and much more!
Choir Fun Facts

Adapted Choir Book
The choir uses adapted music books that combine words and pictorial symbols (widgets) rather than musical notation. It makes the singing experience accessible to members of all reading abilities.

Practice Makes Perfect
Members of the choir build and refine skills from September to December. This amounts to over 24 hours of practice. In 2022, choir members are rehearsing in person for the first time in three years – a milestone worth celebrating!

Sense of Community
The choir’s focus is on promoting a sense of social belonging and increasing self-esteem. We do this by building community together, striving towards a common goal and celebrating each other.

Musical Stylings
During the performance, you will also see the work and musical stylings of our choir conductors Ana Santo (Senior Behaviour Therapist at Surrey Place) and Gwenna Fairchild-Taylor, and our pianist Jennifer Wakefield.
Interested in becoming a sponsor or donating a raffle prize?
Contact Information
Sponsorship & General Questions: Iosifina Fotiadou – iosifina.fotiadou@surreyplace.ca