With limited financial resources, Anthea Charles has struggled to find the right care and services to help her son
Idika function outside their home. Since turning 15 years old, his meltdowns have included aggressive and
destructive behaviour that his family had never seen before and has made school attendance increasingly difficult.
His inability to communicate with his family and loved ones made it almost impossible to know how to help him —
until Idika was able to receive care through Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital’s new Extensive Needs
Now, more children and youth, like Idika, with complex and extensive care, neurodevelopmental and behavioural
needs can receive timely, personalized, wrap-around supports – right in their own neighbourhoods in the Greater
Toronto Area, thanks to the partnership announced today by Holland Bloorview, Grandview Kids, Michael Garron
Hospital (MGH) and Surrey Place.
This regional partnership comes on the heels of the April 2023 launch of the Extensive Needs Service (ENS)
program through which Holland Bloorview, the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and McMaster
Children’s Hospital are providing critical specialized neurodevelopmental health services to over 1,000 families
Funded by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, this program was
developed for children who have multiple neurodevelopmental, behavioural, medical and physical needs, as well
as social vulnerabilities – kids who have otherwise fallen through the cracks of a complex health and
developmental services system.
Overall, the program is designed to reduce barriers to accessing timely, evidence-based treatment for some of the
most vulnerable children in the province.
Families participating in the Extensive Needs Service can connect to a team of professionals, including physicians,
social workers, occupational therapists and behavioural consultants who work together to provide tailored support
based on the individual needs of the child or youth and their families. Services are individualized, trauma-informed
and can include prescribing or adjusting medications; goal-directed behaviour therapy; mental health assessments
and treatment; social work, such as counselling for parents and caregivers; and other specialized interventions to
support children and youth to build skills, such as communication and self-regulation.
As the SmartStart Hub for Toronto, Surrey Place will serve as an entry point to help families navigate to and access
care through the Extensive Needs Service with dedicated service coordinators who will work closely with families
to coordinate their care at Holland Bloorview’s Extensive Needs Service program.
Toronto families interested in the Extensive Needs Service program and who are not currently receiving care at
Holland Bloorview can connect with Surrey Place online or by calling 1-833-575-KIDS (5437) to inquire about their
eligibility to access these supports.
For Anthea, Holland Bloorview’s Extensive Needs Service Program has given her reason to hope again. Since Idika
was enrolled in the program early this spring, she has noticed that he is more expressive, more patient and more
flexible. “I feel like I’m getting my son back. I can’t thank the program staff enough for how they’ve helped my son
so much now.”
“Our government is improving the experiences and long-term outcomes for children and youth with complex
special needs. We are investing $97 million in the Extensive Needs Service pilot program to support more than
1,000 children with complex special needs every year,” said Michael Parsa, Minister of Children, Community and
Social Services. “When children and families can access services tailored to their needs, the short and long-term
outcomes for children improve, as do their parents well-being.” – Michael Parsa, Minister of Children, Community
and Social Services
“Our government is taking action by working with our health partners to connect children and youth and their
families to specialized care, closer to home. This new and innovative partnership will ensure children and youth
with complex needs in Toronto and Durham Region can access the care and services they need and deserve in
their community.” – Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health
“This new partnership between Holland Bloorview, Grandview Kids, Michael Garron Hospital and Surrey Place will
provide access to Extensive Needs Service program to more families of children with complex care needs in the
Greater Toronto Area. Instead of spending time navigating a complex system, families will be able to get their care
their child needs and deserves in a way that is connected and convenient.” – Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of
“By joining forces with our new partners, children, youth and their families living in Toronto and Durham Region
can receive the specialized care they need closer to their homes and delivered by their local healthcare teams.
Thanks to the support from the Government of Ontario, we are helping to support a health system that is more
agile, socially accountable and accessible to families.” – Julia Hanigsberg, president and CEO of Holland BloorView
“We are honoured to partner with Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital to implement an Extensive
Needs Service Program in Durham Region. Children with extensive needs, living in our community, deserve to have
access to coordinated, responsive care close to home. This reduces the burden on these families to travel long
distances to see their providers, which only further exacerbates the caregiver burnout so many experience due to
the current lack of support for this vulnerable population.” – Tom McHugh, CEO, Grandview Kids
“As a mother, I have done everything I can for my children and it’s still not enough. Available resources are greatly limited, waitlists are long, being selected for funding is akin to playing the lottery and costs to procure private services are high. The Extensive Needs Services is helping prevent us from losing our kids and our home. Rory’s therapy is vital to her life and the wellbeing of our entire family.” – Jamie, mom to Rory who is receiving care from Grandview Kids
“MGH is excited to partner with Holland Bloorview to launch this critical service in early 2024 to meet the needs of
children, youth and families in East Toronto. Most importantly, this service is close to home, low-barrier, with
timely, personalized care based on each child’s need.” – Dr. Krista Lemke, medical director of Child and
Adolescent Mental Health Services at Michael Garron Hospital (MGH)
“We are thrilled to be part of the Extensive Needs Service and are honoured to join all our partners to provide
more seamless and personalized health services for families who need it the most. Surrey Place has a unique role
in this partnership, acting as the entry point to help families access and navigate care through Extensive Needs
Service. In our role as the lead agency for coordinated service planning, our focus is to reduce barriers for families
with children and youth who have multiple or complex special needs, and connect them with the right services and
supports, based on their strengths and needs. Our dedicated service coordinators will work alongside families to
determine goals for services, coordinate and make referrals to the right community supports, and ensure families
are at the center of the decision-making process.” – Terri Hewitt, CEO, Surrey Place