News & Stories
Enhancements to the Ontario Autism Program
The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services’ announcement about OAP included changes to childhood budgets and expanding eligible services
New Service Now Available for Families with Children or Youth Who Have Multiple/Complex Special Needs
Coordinated Service Planning is now available to families with children or youth who have multiple and/or complex special needs in the Toronto Region
New Grant Will Help Expand the Parenting Enhancement Program
Surrey Place is expanding the Parenting Enhancement Program with the generous support of a $665,500 Grow Grant provided by the Ontario Trillium Foundation
New study by ICES finds newborns of Ontario women with developmental disabilities are more likely to be taken into protective custody
New study by researchers at ICES finds newborns of Ontario women with IDD are more likely to be taken into protective custody than peers
Join Us in Celebrating the Work of Occupational Therapists
As Canadian Occupational Therapists (OT) celebrate and promote their profession for the whole month of October, Surrey Place will also be participating
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day is on September 9
This FASD Awareness Day, we want to share information about FASD and our Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Adult Diagnostic Clinic
Dr. Tom Cheetham – Dear Friend and Valued Colleague
We have lost a dear friend and colleague and the developmental disabilities community mourns the loss of a compassionate advocate.
Cresa Toronto Donation Supports Surrey Place’s Enhancement of New and Innovative Projects, Programs, and Partnerships
Cresa Toronto has announced a $56,000 financial contribution to Surrey Place
Government of Ontario to Expand Autism Services for Children and Youth
The Government of Ontario announced a commitment to invest $62 million in new funding for the Ontario Autism Program (OAP)
Surrey Place Centre launches new program developing resources and tools for primary care providers
Our new Developmental Disabilities Primary Care Program supports primary care providers caring for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
Our Condolences on Tragic Event from Monday, April 23, 2018
We ask that those reporting on this tragic event and community members to not associate living with autism as a motive to committing senseless acts of violence