Recent Publications & Presentations
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Our priority is to engage in research and communicate the latest evidence to help others.
- Anastassiou, T., Sidhu, A., Fawcett-Drummond, A., Westman, B., Vogt, J.A., & Isaacs, B. (2025). Evaluation of Ontario autism program urgent response service: Toronto region [Poster presentation]. Canadian Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Andreasen, S., McMorris, C., McCabe, J., Djos, D., Martino, A., Gonzales, A., & Lapeare, L. (2025). Fostering healthy relationships and supporting the intersection of intellectual disability and sexual health [Paper presentation]. Canadian Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Astroff, E. (2024). How to run a successful mentorship program [Paper presentation]. Provincial Network on Developmental Services HR Forum, Toronto, Canada.
- Barreira, L. (2023). Acceptance and commitment therapy: An experiential approach [Paper presentation]. 4th Annual McMaster University Course in Psychiatry, Virtual.
- Bianchi, A. & Santo, A.L. (2024). Complex transitions: An ethical imperative for collaboration between the healthcare and developmental sectors [Paper presentation]. Ontario Association for Developmental Disabilities, Thorold, Canada.
- Bianchi, A., & Vogt, J.A. (2025). A literary intervention to raise awareness of ethics concerns that arise in providing care for people with intellectual disabilities and autistic people [Poster presentation]. Canadian Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Bluestein, D., Choudhary, G., Mitchell, N., & Vogt, J. (2025). Expanding our village [Paper presentation]. Canadian Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Cohen, L. & Ierullo, M. (2024). Katz volunteering & employment mentorship program: A new model for labour market & employment skills training programs for youth [Conference showcase]. Canadian Autism Leadership Summit, Ottawa, Canada.
- Diepstra, H., Bailie, J., Achenbach, J., McNeil, K., Bakker. E., & Niel, U. (2024). Health monitoring: Collaborating with patients and their support networks [Paper presentation]. DDPCP Forum: Advancing Inclusive Healthcare for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Toronto, Canada.
- Diepstra, H., Bailie, J., Achenbach, J., McNeil, K., & Bakker. E., & Neil, U. (2024). Improving the uptake of comprehensive health checks for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Using implementation theory, models and frameworks for strategic change [Round Table]. IASSIDD 17th World Congress, Chicago, USA.Gandhi, T. (2023). Acceptance and commitment therapy [Paper presentation]. Indo-Canadian Autism Network (I-CAN), India.
- Gandhi, T. (2024). Acceptance and commitment therapy (act) for siblings and caregivers [Paper presentation]. Autism Across the Lifespan: Controversies and Critical Issues, Hyderabad, India.
- Gandhi, T. (2023). Applying acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT): Empowering caregivers and families of children with autism [Paper presentation]. Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW), Virtual.
- Gandhi, T. (2024). ACT for caregivers: a celebration of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) [Paper presentation]. Diversity and Equity in Mental Health and Addictions Conference (Hong Fook), Toronto, Canada.
- Gandhi, T. (2024). The value of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) groups with families [Paper presentation]. ABA Jam Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Gandhi, T. (2023). Unlocking the power of acceptance and commitment therapy [Paper presentation]. Ontario Association of Social Workers (OASW),Virtual.
- Goldberg, A. & Dizon, A. (2024). Practical functional assessment and skill based treatment: a case study review [Paper presentation]. ABA Jam Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Gonzales, A., Human, T., Simpson, L., & Chow, J. (2024). Health monitoring: Collaborating with patients and their support networks [Paper presentation]. DDPCP Forum: Advancing Inclusive Healthcare for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Toronto, Canada.
- Gonzales, A. (2024). Diabetes continuous glucose monitoring technology: The impact of advocacy and access [Paper presentation]. Canadian Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- Gunarajan, K., Brown, D., Busch, L., Daniel, K., Elias, C., Hickes, S., Hill, T., Inceoglu, D., Isaacs, B., Sawanas, C., & Verseghy, J. (2023). Aging with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD): Development and evaluation of a training program [Paper presentation]. Canadian Association of Gerontology, Toronto, Canada.
- Human, T., Elder, J., & Gonzales, A. (2024). Capacity building for intellectual and developmental disability palliative care [Paper presentation]. CPCNA Hospice Palliative Care Week, Orillia, Canada.
- Isaacs, B., Cohen, L., Coppin, P., Elias, C., Law, S., & Verseghy, J. (2024). Accessibility of technology and digital information for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities [Paper presentation]. IASSIDD 17th World Congress, Chicago, USA,
- Isaacs, B., Cohen, L., Coppin, P., Elias, C., Law, S., & Verseghy, J. (2024). Accessibility of technology and digital information for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities [Poster presentation]. Research Special Interest Group Conference, St. Catherines, Canada.
- Isaacs, B., Cohen, L., Coppin, P., Elias, C., Law, S., & Verseghy, J. (2023). Accessibility of technology and digital information for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities [Paper presentation]. Accessing Higher Grounds, Denver, USA.
- Kuno, S. P., Zonneveld, K. L. M., Cox, A. D., Leathan, N. M., Frijters, J., Asaro, M. M., Alami, A., & Tardi, L. D. (2023). A comparison of instructor-led and video model tutorials to teach post-secondary students to create single-subject graphs in Excel [Paper presentation]. Association for Behavior Analysis International, Denver, USA.
- McMillan, M. (2024). Supporting individuals with abi or intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) through the justice system [Paper presentation]. Toronto ABI Network Conference, Toronto, Canada.
- McMillan, M. & Dobosz, K. (2024). Emotion regulation group for justice-involved clients with developmental disabilities. [Paper presentation]. OADD: Changing the Status Quo, St. Catherines, Canada.
- Nelson, L. (2024). How We’re Right-Sizing Healthcare for Children & Youth [Paper presentation]. Children’s Healthcare Canada, St. John’s, Canada.
- Olesovsky, S. & Walji, A. (2024). Improving preventative healthcare through idd health checks [Paper presentation]. DDPCP Forum: Advancing Inclusive Healthcare for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Toronto, Canada.
- Santo, A. L. & Brans, J. (2024). Compassionate care skills for working with mediators [Paper presentation]. ABA Jam, Toronto, Canada.
- Shouse, J. & Diepstra, H. (2024). Primary care toolkit: us adaptations [Paper presentation]. AADMD One Voice for Inclusive Health Conference, Chicago, USA.
- Stemp, S., Hopkins, M., Henze, M., & Gonzales, A. (2024). Creating supportive environments through cross sector collaboration – ALC discharge planning for patients with dual diagnosis [Paper presentation]. OADD Empowering Possibilities: Navigating Mental Health and Dual Diagnosis in Developmental Disabilities – A Trauma-Informed Approach, Kingston, Canada.
- Vogt, J.A., Szikszai, P., & Anastassiou, T. (2025). An interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of school-aged children and youth with autism and an intellectual disability who exhibit severe complex behavioural challenges in the classroom [Paper presentation]. Canadian Health and Wellbeing in Developmental Disabilities Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Barreira, L. (2023). Misbehaviour: Are you missing the point? International Journal for Direct Support Professionals, 12(5),
- Barreira, & L. (2023). We’re using positive reinforcement, so it’s all good – right? International Journal for Direct Support Professionals, 12(9),
- Berger, I., Weissman, S., Raheel, H., Bagga, A., Wright, R., Leung, F., Loh, A., Lee-Jones, C., Isaacs, B., & Vogt, J. (2023). Evaluating the impact of a virtual educational intervention on medical students’ knowledge and attitudes towards patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 48(1), 91–99.
- Kariunas, Z. (2023). Developing partnerships for family-managed supportive living arrangements. International Journal for Direct Support Professionals, 12(6),
- Lunsky, Y., Bobbette, N., Durbin, J., Gonzales, A., Grier, E., Iruthayanathan, R., Mia, N., Pereira, C., Steel, L., Thakur, A., Thomson, K., & Sockalingam, S. (2023). The development and pilot evaluation of echo mental health for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 16(1), 23–36.
- McNeil, K., Achenbach, J., Lawson, B., Delahunty‐Pike, A., Barber, B., & Diepstra, H. (2024). Towards developing an intervention to support periodic health checks for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Striving for health equity. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 37(1), e13169.
- Munce, S. E. P., John, T., Luong, D., Mooney, S., Stromquist, L., Chambers, K., Crabtree, M., Diaz, S., Dimitropoulos, G., Henze, M., Higgins, A., Li, E., Severino, S. M., Penner, M., Pidduck, J., Wan, M., Williams, L., Yates, D., & Toulany, A. (2024). Establishing effective patient engagement through a terms of reference to foster inclusivity and empowerment in research: Example from a healthcare transition quality indicators project. Health Expectations: An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care and Health Policy, 27(6), e70113.
- Popova, S. Dozet, D., Temple. V.K., Riddell C., & Yang C. (2024). A population-based study on women who used alcohol during pregnancy and their neonates in Ontario, Canada. Children, 11(8), 993.
- Popova, S., Dozet, D., Temple, V., McFarlane, A., Cook, J., & Burd, L. (2024). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnostic clinic capacity in Canadian provinces and territories. PLoS One, 19(4), e0301615.
- Popova, S., Dozet, D., Faulkner, M., Howie, L., & Temple, V. (2024). Prenatal exposures, diagnostic outcomes, and life experiences of children and youths with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Nutrients, 16(11), 1655.
- Preston, A., Szikszai, P., Saini, V., & Brightman, R. (2024). Evaluating an Excel‐based tool for interpreting functional analyses: A functional analysis decision support system. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 57(4), 973–988.
- Santos, S., Thomson, D., Diaz, S., Soscia, J., Adams, S., Amin, R., Bernstein, S., Blais, B., Bruno, N., Colapinto, K., Espin, S., Fayed, N., Greenaway, J., Henze, M., Ivers, N. M., LeGrow, K., Lim, A., Lippett, R., Lunsky, Y., . . . Cohen, E. (2024). Promoting transitions for children and youth with medical complexity from paediatric to adult care: intensive the PITCare study—protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 14(12), e086088.
- Thakur, A., Bobbette, N., Bond, V., Gonzales, A., Lake, J., Lefkowitz, G., Mia, N., Niel, U., Sockalingam, S., Streisslberger, E., Thomson, K., Volpe, T., & Lunsky, Y. (2024). Bridging the gap: national virtual education programme for professionals caring for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities at the time of COVID-19. BJPsych open, 10(4), e130.
- Zonneveld, K. L. M., Cox, A. D., Asaro, M. M., Hranchuk, K. S., Alami, A., Kelly, L. D., & Frijters, J. C. (2024). Comparing instructor‐led, video‐model, and no‐instruction control tutorials for creating single‐subject graphs in Microsoft Excel: A systematic replication and extension. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 57(2), 502–514.
Books and Book Chapters
- Bianchi, A., & Vogt, J. A. (2024). Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Ethics and Practice. Springer International Publishing.
- Bianchi, A., & Vogt, J.A. (2024). Introduction. In A. Bianchi, & J.A. Vogt (Eds.), Intellectual disabilities and autism: Ethics and practice (pp. 1–12). Springer International Publishing.
- Bradley, E., & Vogt, J. A. (2024). Engendering a Feeling of Safety as an Ethical Imperative in Preventing Emotional Distress and Behaviours that Challenge Services. In A. Bianchi & J.A. Vogt (Eds.), Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Ethics and Practice (pp. 367–381). Springer International Publishing.
- Drewett, A., Bush, L., Cremasco, J., Ndigirwa, P., & Yiu, Natalie. (2024). Culture and therapies. In S. Tromans, R. Alexander, S.K. Gangadharan, C. Kapugama, & S. Bhaumik Eds.), Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability Across Cultures (pp. 191–195). Oxford University Press, Incorporated.
- Luke, N., & Vogt, J. A. (2024). A Proposal for Training ABA Practitioners in Ethical Deliberation. In A. Bianchi & J.A. Vogt (Eds.), Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Ethics and Practice (pp. 425–438). Springer International Publishing.
- Santo, A. L., & Taylor, K. (2024a). 20 Key Behaviors for Rapport Building. In C. Hall, K. Maich, & B.M. Anderson (Eds.), People Skills for Behavior Analysts (1st ed., pp. 50–76). Routledge.
- Santo, A. L., & Taylor, K. (2024b). How to Teach Rapport Building Skills to Behavior Analysts. In C. Hall, K. Maich, & B.M. Anderson (Eds.), People Skills for Behavior Analysts (1st ed., pp. 109–126). Routledge.
- Vimalakanthan, K., & Temple, V. (2024). Ethical Considerations Arising in the Assessment, Treatment, and Support of Individuals and Families Living with FASD. In A. Bianchi & J.A. Vogt (Eds.), Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Ethics and Practice (pp. 411–423). Springer International Publishing.
- Vogt, J. A. (2024). Inclusion of Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Low-Risk Research: Consent and Accommodations. In A. Bianchi & J.A. Vogt (Eds.), Intellectual Disabilities and Autism: Ethics and Practice (pp. 107–120). Springer International Publishing.