Strategies for Handling Challenging Behaviours
Tip sheet that explains strategies to assist with behaviours like aggression, self-injurious behaviour, sexualized behaviour in public, swearing and property damage
First Steps: Learning at Home During Activities (Three-Part Series)
A video series about integrating routine, enriching play and behaviour strategies into your toddler or preschooler’s daily routines
Community Resources to Help Your Child’s Hearing
A quick reference guide with important community resources to help your child’s hearing development
Ways to Support Your Child’s Hearing
Strategies to develop your child’s hearing skills and support everyday interactions
Hearing Development Milestones
Discover hearing development milestones for your child during their early years.
How Do We Hear
A look into how hearing works, how it’s processed and the different types of hearing loss to watch for
Parenting with a Disability
Four parents with developmental disabilities from the Parenting Enhancement Program explain the joys and challenges of raising a child
How to Be a Good Parent
Four parents with developmental disabilities from the Parenting Enhancement Program share tips they have learned over the years while raising their children
A Day in the Life of a PEP Therapist
Learn more about how therapists in the Parenting Enhancement Program support parents with developmental disabilities to help them succeed