Residential Services and Supports
Making the search for supported living easier
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Residential services and supports are available through the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS). The MCCSS provides funding to certain community agencies, who then provide adults with developmental disabilities with a place to live. Developmental Services Ontario (DSO) manages a service registry of those waiting residential support. Placements are made based on availability, suitability, and are prioritized by need.
Residential options include:
- Group living supports (e.g. group homes)
- Supported Independent Living (SIL)
- Supportive LifeShare
For information about alternate housing options please contact the DSO TR Housing Navigator.
To find out more about the options and services in your community, please contact DSO Toronto Region (DSO TR).
Which MCCSS-funded agencies provide residential services and supports in Toronto?
Residential services and supports in Toronto are offered through:

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