Launching Your FASD Clinic
Helping your organization expand your expertise
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Organizations that work with individuals with diagnoses or suspected diagnoses of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) may find an in-house FASD clinic useful. Our Launching Your FASD Clinic provides organizations starting their clinic with specialized assessments and recommendations. We have over 14 years of experience running diagnostic services for children and adults with suspected FASD diagnoses. Our services are entirely customizable, tailored to meet your needs and budget.
Our team of experienced clinicians and coordinators help organizations plan and implement clinic launches, develop or troubleshoot processes of new or existing clinics, and give detailed breakdowns to establish information gathering procedures for client history (e.g., prenatal alcohol exposure).
We offer services in-person, online or using a hybrid model based on your team’s needs.

Wellness Events
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Resource Library
Find accessible information developed by our clinicians to help you on your journey.